CCA FINANCIAL PLANNING CUP - 28th July, 2024 (Narrandera)

Sponsored by: CCA Financial Planners

Birds not Liberated. Liberation scheduled at 10:00am

Liberation Report

Due to the forecasted rain ban present in front of the birds for most of the day Sat 27.07.2024. Basketing will be SAT 27.07.2024 from 5pm for a SUN race 28.07.2024. All members are asked to arrive early, all outside centres are asked to arrive by no later than 7.30pm to ensure enough time for the driver, convoyer and birds to arrive at the race point in a safe and timely manner. If for some reason Sunday is not suitable you will be advised tomorrow 26.07.2024. Reminder, 2 members from each club must remain behind until the truck is loaded to help.

BENZING AUSTRALIA LIVE CHALLENGE - 10th August, 2024 (Narrandera)

Sponsored by: Benzing Australia

Birds are scheduled to be liberated. Exact liberation time unknown.

HUNTER STOCKFEED CLASSIC - 17th August, 2024 (West Wyalong, Squeaker Squadron 4)

Sponsored by: Hunter Stock Feeds

Birds are scheduled to be liberated. Exact liberation time unknown.

MEADOWS ONE LOFT RACE CLASSIC - 7th September, 2024 (Condobolin, Squeaker Squadron 5)

Sponsored by: Meadows One Loft Race

Birds are scheduled to be liberated. Exact liberation time unknown.




