WPF Communication Board

21 August 2021.


In order to try and get as much racing in as possible once and IF lockdown finally ends the Board of Management will be implementing the following protocols...

1. We will be racing mid week and weekends, Wednesday and Saturday for as long as we can.

2. The bird limit will be dropped back down to 40 birds as soon as we restart, as we will need clean units available at a short turn around.

3. Race points will remain the same with the exception of the dates changing accordingly once we begin.

4. All members will need to basket at the WPF rooms and will be on a roster system as to what time they will basket as we have a limit of 25 people in the rooms at any one time. We ask that all members please make themselves available in anyway possible to help during basketing and remain patient during these trying circumstances.

We understand this situation may be difficult for some but unfortunately it is what we must do to be able to get a decent racing season in.

Thankyou. BOM.


Sample only race program.pdf