General Race Info

  1. The race will be open for 1 day for each 200km eg. 600km = 3 days, 800km = 4 days

  2. Hours of darkness, the race will close 30 mins after sunset and open 30 mins before sunrise, if there is a night bird the race will close 30 mins after that birds clock time

  3. Results will be based on velocity, so a second day bird can beat a first day bird (this is the fairest option with a large spread in distances)

  4. All birds will have a "security" race rubber placed on them at the designated collection point (you can basket at your own club, just bring copy of basketing list to collection point), this race rubber number will not be known by the flyer until the bird arrives back home, after clocking in call or text through the rubber number along with clock time and bird details to 0439 779 272 the bird will then be listed LIVE in the interim results

    the "security" race rubber is just another added measure since we are taking in such large areas and basketing centres etc and helps us keep a check on things

  5. The 2021 Race will be postponed until 2022 where there will be an old bird race for the 2021 birds and a young bird race for the young birds, the races will be released seperatley

  6. If an old bird (2021 race) isnt clocked by close of the race the sectional prize will jackpot, this can be won by a 2022 race bird if it is clocked in a section where an old bird hasn't homed in race time, but an old bird can not claim the 2022 young bird prize pool if a young bird isnt clocked it will instead jackpot to the 2023 race

  7. The managment reserve the right to refuse entry to any person without explaination, also personal social media attacks and abuse wont be tolerated and could end in entries being cancelled, constructive critism is fine and so is difference of oppinion